It is Screwdriver Set of domestic MAJORBrandKTC.
”If you want a good Driver”, you should buy this one anyway.
The accuracy is also good for the price, and I don't think that the screw with the size will be damaged.
The square pattern is distinctive, but the design is quite logical as it does not roll easily and is easy to apply Torque.
Also Penetrating (except for the shortest one). The function of +α is substantial, and the usability is good.
”A good driver” is famous for PB and wera, but this product is the first Quantity before getting into it.:It is excellent as a Set.
This is because it has the beauty of being able to be used roughly as a ”Penetrating Driver” even after the tip has rounded off with use.
By the way, be careful because KTC's Logo is easy to peel off.
I think the best way to choose a driver is to buy this one and use it to the fullest, and then buy more high-end products like PB or wera as needed.
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This picture was provided by our customers, which maybe similar but different product.
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・Ez a lehetőség nem áll rendelkezésre.
・Kérjük, válasszon más lehetőség.
18,860.48 HUF (7,493 JPY) 28,191.3 HUF Mentés 33%
Kézbesítési információ
In Stock gyártók, Ships around 19th Feb. 2025
Estimated arrival date around
Termék leírás
[Súly] 1,2 kg
[Mennyiség] 1 készlet 1 készlet 8db.
[A termék tartalma]
Műanyag fogantyú csavarhúzó Phillips Penetrating Type D1P2-1 / 2/3
Műanyag fogantyú Csavarhúzó D1M2-5 / 6/8
Műanyag fogantyú csípős csavarhúzó (Phillips) D1PS-2
Műanyag fogantyú csípős csavarhúzó (Réselt) D1MS-6
** A csípõs vezetõk nem behatoló jellegûek..
[Weight] 1.2kg
[Quantity] 8 pcs
[Set components]
・Resin Handle Screwdriver Cross Head-through Type D1P2-1 / 2 / 3
・Resin Handle Screwdriver Flat Head-through Type D1M2-5 / 6 / 8
・Resin Handle Stubby Screwdriver (Cross HEad) D1PS-2
・Resin Handle Stubby Screwdriver (Flat Head) D1MS-6
**Stubby screwdriver is non-through type..
Ez a hatszögű Bolster.
(Kivéve a csavart csavarhúzót)
Tipp a mágnessel.
A tengely anyaga Cr - V.
Delivery Informaton
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New arrivals in used
Vásárlói vélemények
Very Good
Dec 8, 2021
Jun 5, 2012
Although he bought only the Driver whose price is cheap until now, he came to carry out easy repair of the Motorcycle and the car by himself, and bought the Driver of KTC this time.
Since it is not a scene which still covers over which and uses a hezagonal wrench, the evaluation with heaviness usage is not known.It is the highest that a Screw is just held and it is easy to grasp a Grip in how to use
A Screw can be tightened in comfort.